The Word Mine
The Word Mine is a place where you can dig deep and find the hidden knowledge that leads to explosive revelations of the Kingdom of God, within your own life. You can read, watch, and listen to any of our media here absolutely free of charge thanks to the gifts of Kingdom Citizens just like you.
Chapter 5: Broken Arrow
The term “broken arrow” is a military term that was used during the Vietnam war. Broken arrow was a code word that was used in dire circumstances; it was used by American troops to call for help in a certain emergency. This certain emergency was whenever an American unit that was on the ground had…
The Invitation Letter
Dear Friend, I’m so glad I was able to get this letter to you. It’s been so long since we’ve gotten to talk and I’ve missed that. I was wondering if you’d be my plus-one at a wedding banquet that is coming up? A friend of ours is throwing one for his son very soon….
Chapter 4: Telegram of Truth
The name Samuel in the Hebrew language has three meanings. It means “name of God”, or “to ask God”, and also “God has heard.” These three meanings are very important to remember and reflect on as you read this chapter. In 1843, a man named Samuel Morse built a telegraph system from Washington, D.C., to Baltimore, MD….
Chapter 3: Daily Drops
Imagine that you are at a restaurant and the waiter asks you what you will have to drink, and you reply that you will have water. Now imagine that his next question to you is “polluted or pure?” You would most likely look at the waiter in disbelief and wonder to yourself, who in the…
Chapter 2: The Root System
“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” John 15:4 KJV We can see here in this verse that Jesus Christ is the root of the Church, and we being Christians are extensions…
Chapter 1: The Carcass of Christianity
The word carcass is used to describe something that is dead or no longer living. My dictionary has a few meanings for this word and one of them is this, “the remains of something being discarded, dismembered, or worthless.” Maybe you know someone that has deemed a life of Christianity as being worthless, or perhaps…
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!